Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Man Bun PSA

Tour Midtown Omaha on any given day and run into upwards of 5 to 10 man bun sightings in a given session. The trend has clearly made it to middle America. It is a polarizing fashion statement for men to make. Some women swoon, others just sigh and shake their heads. However, us broads, we hens collectively agree that all man buns are not equal. And regardless of how we feel about the trend, there are dos and don'ts. The collection of information that follows is known as the Man Bun PSA and is the result of many women's opinions regarding the fashion statement. While some of these thoughts are my own, I can not claim all of them, I only compiled and published them.

What is a man bun? 
The top definition on describes the man bun as follows: (n): A questionably sexy hairstyle in which a man with hair of the medium to long (and usually greasy) variety secures said hair into a firmly rounded bun; also used to describe one half of the male buttock region.

Types of man buns
Delicious Man Bun is a beautiful head of hair that has been freshly washed (with perhaps Aveda Rosemary Mint shampoo) has been dried, is assumed to be soft to the touch and pulled back deliberately. So if a man bun must be done, this is the way to do it. 

Dirty Man Bun is unkempt, often greasy stringy hair that has not been washed and is haphazardly thrown back into a mess. Don't do this. Just don't. 

Top Knot is the beginnings of a man bun or man-bun-in-training. Don't. It is really unnecessary to sport the top knot. The hair is not long enough at this point and simply looks silly. Also, don't call it a "man bun" as it has not reached full maturity. 

When is it appropriate to photograph a guy with a man bun?
Really photographing any man bun is advised.

Do photograph the Delicious Man Bun. And if questioned use this opportunity to congratulate him. He really nailed it. Share with him that he is of the finest man buns you've seen and he should be celebrated.

Do photograph the Dirty Man Bun. And if questioned by guy sporting dirty man bun, use it as a teachable moment. Share with him that man buns are most attractive when washed and scented. Pass along the Aveda Rosemary Mint shampoo idea.

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